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Archive for asteya

Observing Yamas & Niyamas Creates Self-Awareness

     IMG_0820Ever feel like you’re falling down the rabbit hole, out of control and a victim of the universe as it spins around you?  It’s a mad tea party of a world out there! Adopting the yoga lifestyle can help you manage your stress physically, intellectually and emotionally if you’re willing to expand your awareness on and off the mat. The Yamas and Niyamas can become touchstones and gentle reminders for which action to take. The goal of yoga is self-awareness and self-actualization. Practice these gently at first, just as you would build awareness in a yoga posture on the mat.






Yamas: Guidelines for interacting with the outer world (others)

  1. Ahimsa: non-violence toward self and others
  2. Satya: truth and honesty    
  3. Asteya: not stealing or coveting that which is not offered to you
  4. Brahmacharya: moderation    
  5. Aparigraha: greedlessness


Niyamas: Guidelines for interacting with the inner world (self)

  1. Saucha: cleanliness or purity internally as well as externally
  2. Santosha: contentment
  3. Tapas: discipline, inner fire
  4. Svadhyaya: self-observation
  5. Ishwara-Pranidhana: surrender to something bigger than yourself

Read more about the yoga lifestyle at